孕妈须知 坐月子的5种误区不要踩 科学坐月子 妈妈宝贝都受益(2)
There are many precautions and taboos to observe during the postpartum period. Ignoring them may affect a mother"s normal recovery and even harm the health of the newborn. Therefore, this article will introduce some common misconceptions about sitting the month in the hope of helping new mothers navigate through this period easily and healthily.
1. Postpartum Misconceptions
Myth 1: Eating only soup and avoiding the solids
Some mothers believe that as long as they drink enough soup, they don"t need to eat the solids. In fact, both the soup and the solid matter are important. Even after boiling, most of the nutrients are still in the meat, so if you only drink the soup and avoid the solids, it will affect your body"s absorption of nutrients. Moreover, excessive consumption of soup may lead to excessive milk production, causing breast pain or even mastitis.
Myth 2: Eating more eggs after childbirth
Some people believe that postpartum mothers need to eat more eggs to replenish protein. However, eating too many eggs is not beneficial to health, as the body cannot fully absorb them. Therefore, it is best to limit the consumption of eggs to no more than 4 per day.
Myth 3: Drinking red dates water for a long time
Red dates water is beneficial to women, but it should not be drunk for a long time or in large quantities. Ideally, it should be consumed for only 7 to 10 days after childbirth, otherwise it may increase the amount of lochia and cause anemia.
Myth 4: Wearing a girdle soon after childbirth
Wearing a girdle is not a good idea for new mothers. It can affect physical hygiene and hinder recovery.
Myth 5: Excessive physical activity
New mothers should avoid intense physical activity during the postpartum period. It can affect their recovery and consume too much energy, hindering the healing of wounds and affecting breastfeeding.
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